11 Jul 2011

Monday Morning Circle Time

The Dalai Lama by SPakhrin

Morning! I hope yours was a fantastic weekend full of snow cones and fro yo. It’s weird. Yesterday was the first time I got the, “Oh no! Summer is flying by too quickly!” feeling. Normally that feeling of the inevitable encroaching on on our fun begins somewhere around the at the All Star Game so this seems a bit premature.

I don’t know if it’s all the Bikram which is making me hate the heat and the dreaded skimpy summer clothing that goes with it just a bit less. Or maybe my kids are getting older and now occasionally fun to be around and so school is not the salvation it once was… but I think I actually am starting to like summer.

So hence the “oh no we must savor it before it goes” panic I felt on Sunday night.

Enough about my neuroses. Did you go to the carnival this weekend? How are the ride/junk food?

Nichole: I spent this weekend fighting off a dreaded summer cold, so other than a fun outing to Alexandria’s Birthday Fireworks on Saturday night (one of my favorite DC area events), I stuck close to home and am finally seeing the light at the end of the summer cold tunnel.

Jon: We started our weekend on Thursday night at the final dress rehearsal of “Oklahoma!” at the Arena Stage (it was awesome). Friday brought a half day or work and a half day of relaxing at home, followed by dinner at Ted’s Bulletin and dessert at 32 Below, where I became an instant fan of the fat free peanut butter frozen yogurt. Saturday and Sunday we watched our friends’ almost-2-year-old as they welcomed their second daughter into the world. Sunday was punctuated with a trip to Eastern Market.

Angelique: Friday night was spent recovering from a work picnic. Saturday was spent turning our house into a tropical paradise for a going away party we held that night for a good friend who is moving to Hawaii. Sunday was spent being reminded that I am not 25 anymore from a good time at said party and we went on a family picnic to Lincoln Park.

Lauren: After a busy couple of weeks this weekend was all about hanging around  the Hill. Errands on Saturday, some reading outside in the sunshine and then babysat a friend’s baby in the evening. Did some gardening (tomatoes, basil and peppers are coming along!) and walking of the pup on Sunday.

Maria: Maria ran a whole bunch of errands on Saturday on and off the Hill, knocking herself out with the sheer feeling of accomplishment.  On Sunday, she realized that sometimes it is actually okay to leave things in boxes, because otherwise you have to find space to put the things that were in the boxes.  A walk around the new ‘hood and a quiet dinner at home wrapped up the weekend nicely.

Jen: Friday evening was just yoga followed by hanging out at home. Saturday morning I took the kids to their rugby match in Kensington, MD and then spent the rest of the afternoon devoted to cleaning and mother-in-law visiting. That night we went to the Nats game where I spent most of the night waiting in line for food for one or the other kids. I did try the Shake Shack’s veggie burger which our friend Spike totally stole but I must say he improved upon it…Sunday was spent enjoying the company of friends at the Pool.


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