07 Apr 2011

The To Do List

Wow, everyone is buzzing about a possible government shutdown and the effect it could have on DC city services.  It seems that events like the Cherry Blossom Parade won’t happen either so this week’s to do list will have no suggestions involving the Smithsonian, the Zoo or any other federally funded operations…

If you are a congressional staffer who has to turn in your Blackberry or if you are a DC government employee who finds your government issued cellie not working you may have trouble connecting with your friends, so you may have to go old school: Make plans ahead of time. Meet at said location at the agreed upon time. Enjoy!

Luckily this town has far to offer than just the feds. No really! Just check this out.

Thursday: I’ve got a babysitter so tonight I’m headed over to the H Street Playhouse for Scena Theatre’s production of The Weir. I love a good Irish Ghost story.   It may be flying too close to the sun but I may ALSO check out the Queen Vic’s new menu pre-show. Yes, it’s an English pub and the show takes place in an Irish pub but that’s not why I want to go.  I have been to both Khan’s and Toki Underground but not Queen Vic yet. And I have a sitter, did I mention that?

Friday celebrate Spring like the 18th century French at Fête d’Eté: French Cantatas and Suites at the Folger Shakespeare Library at 6pm. The Folger Consort will perform amusing cantatas to welcome this sweet season Baroque-style. Stay late Friday for a post-performance discussion but Saturday night audiences get complimentary champagne. Decisions, decisions.

It’s good that concert is early because it’s rise and shine on Saturday morning. Head over to Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) for their Annual Scavenger Hunt Art and Go Seek. Teams of  2-6 people must look for answers to questions about art, history and places located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.  There are separate tracks for family and adult teams. Each question is assigned a point value, and the team with the most points wins a fabulous prize. The proceeds all go to support CHAW’s tuition assistance and outreach programs.

That evening keep that feel-good-arts-buzz alive by checking out the American Youth Chorus’ Spring Concert at the Atlas Reforming Arts Center. The kids who are all between the ages of 8 and 14 are old pros, having performed for the guests at the Kennedy Center Honors. The evening is entitled “A Salute to Broadway” so imagine some old favorites and very cute kids.

If you could use just a little more music to round out your weekend, Sunday the GW Troubadours, an a capella group based at George Washington University, are performing with the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church choir during the morning service in celebration of the church’s 150th anniversary.

From 11am to 4pm on Sunday students from Eastern Market Pottery will be holding a sale of their handcrafted work in the Eastern Market Pottery studio below the Market building at the C Street SE entrance. I had no idea a pottery studio was there and I will be sure to check it out.

Have a fabulous weekend!

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4 responses to “The To Do List”

  1. LB says:

    The Kite Festival has been rescheduled for Sunday, also it is Yelp DC Drinks week, drink specials at SOVA, Wisdom and Sanoma!

  2. Peach Pie says:

    I didn’t notice that pottery studio either, until I moved to the neighborhood and started walking by it every day. I still haven’t been in it!

  3. Questioning says:

    Don’t be too sure about Eastern Market Pottery — or the Market itself. It is a city run building that may or may not be open.

  4. Questioning says:

    From the Eastern Market manager:
    “Please note that in the event of a government shut-down, Eastern Market will remain open with all services functioning as usual. Please spread the news to all concerned.”

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